The Compliance On Top was born in 2018 with a very well-established purpose: to be the map of Compliance in Brazil. Since then, it has been the reference publication about the thinking of the leaders in the field.
The Yearbook presents an overview of the market based on the opinions of the professionals who are leading the development of this market, as well as serving as a great professional showcase, presenting the resumes of hundreds of leaders working in companies of different sizes and segments (law firms, financial institutions, and consultancies).
With your participation, we will soon get to know the 50 most admired Compliance and Data Protection and Privacy professionals in Brazil.
Starting in 2023, all professionals awarded for five years by the “Most Admired Professionals of Compliance” will take part of the ON TOP Leading Leaders, where they will be eternalized for their contribution, relevance, and leadership in the development of the market of Compliance in Brazil, serving as a professional example and reference for both senior peers and future generations and Compliance Offices of the Country,
Being inducted by the ON TOP Leading Leaders is a reassurance that the legacy of these professionals will be remembers with the due respect for those that were fundamental for Compliance in Brazil to reach a level of importance and acknowledgment which it has today in the Brazilian corporate environment and the very international community of Compliance.
In its sixth issue, the Compliance ON TOP Yearbook is considered by the market the mark of closure of the year by the sector. With the engagement of high-level professionals in the work of research and the support of great sponsoring brands, it gathers the unity of the main characters of compliance of today. CORREALIZATION VITTORE and LEC
Idealized by VITTORE Partners, the most especialized consulting company of recruitment of executives, and by LEC, which is leader in compliance executive education in Brazil, the initiative is heading torwards its sixth edition this year, with a broader scope.
The market is continuously growing, and so is Compliance ON TOP. The issue is bigger and each year the number of participant professionals has increased. That is why in 2023 the participants have the opportunity of electing not only the 40 most admired Compliance professionals in the country in the categories: in house, lawyers and consultants, but also the 5 most admired Financial Compliance professionals and the 5 most admired professionals of Data Protection and Privacy
CCO da Braskem Idesa
Ex-Executive Compliance Manager do Bayer Group
Diretor de GRC e Privacidade da MRV&CO
Ex-Gerente de Compliance da Estre Ambiental
Gerente de Compliance, Regulatório e PLD da Pluxee
Gerente Executivo GRC da Volkswagen
Diretora de Compliance da Sanofi-Medley
Diretor de Compliance e Riscos da CEMIG
Head de Compliance e DPO da BRK Ambiental
Regional Compliance Counsel – Américas da Nokia
Gerente de Compliance da Coesa Engenharia
Gerente-Geral de Integridade da Usiminas
Global Head of Ethics for Society das Sanof
Diretora Jurídica e de Compliance da Boston Metal
Diretora de Legal, Compliance e DPO da Cisco
Diretor de GRC da Petrobras
Superintendente de Gestão Estratégica, Governança e Compliance
da Itaminas
ex-Chief Compliance Officer Latam do Google
Chief Risk & Compliance Officer da Novonor e da OEC
Gerente de Auditoria e Compliance da Fundação Renova
Diretor de Compliance e PLD da Visa
Compliance Officer na Kaizen Gaming
Head of Risk Management, Internal Controls & Compliance da Allianz Brasil
Head de Compliance e PLD do C6 Bank
LATAM Head of Government & Regulatory Affairs do UBS
Sócia do Lefosse
Sócio do SPRB Advogados
Sócio do Tozzini Freire
Sócio do KMN Advogados
Sócio do VezziLapolla
Sócio do Machado Meyer
Sócio do Campos Mello Advogados
Sócio-Fundador do Pironti Advogados
Sócia do Dias Costa
Sócio do Mattos Filho
Fundador do Eticalizando
Gerente-Geral da Epiq
Sócia-fundadora da Mariaquitéria
Fundadora da Intento Compliance
Sócio-líder de Serviços Forenses - América do Sul da KPMG
Diretora Associada da HECT
Diretor de Compliance & ESG da Protiviti
Head Forensic Services da CLA Brasil
CEO da Veritaz
Diretor de Compliance as a Service da Protiviti
DPO da Blaze
Gerente de Privacidade e Proteção de Dados e DPO da Suzano
ex-Gerente de Privacidade do Bradesco
DPO do Mercado Livre
Gerente Sênior de Compliance Digital da Ambev
Emprea MRV&CO
Chief Risks & Compliance Officer
Executive Director AEGEA
Compliance Manager at Estre
Director of Compliance
Executive Manager B-G Governance, Risk & Compliance da Volkswagen
Director of Compliance at Pfizer
Director of Compliance at CEMIG
Regional Compliance Counsel - Americas at Nokia
VP of Governance, Risks and Compliace at OLX Brazil
Compliance Officer Qualidados Engenharia
General Manager of Integrity at Usiminas
Compliance Director, Latin America at Thermo Ficsher
Chief Compliance Officer at Neoway
Director of Legal, Compliance and DPO at Cisco do Brasil Ltda
Executive Director of Governance and Compliance at Petrobras
Senior Manager of Global Ethics and Business Integrity at Bunge
Google Company
Gerente de Compliance da Fundação Renova
Director of Risks and Integrity at
Novonor / OEC
Director of Compliance at VISA
Head of Compliance at C6 Bank
Pres. CAC OAB/SP Pinheiros
Compliance Executive Director UBS Bank
Partner and Director at Dias Costa Advogados
Partner at SPRB Advogados
Compliance Partner, GCAA
Co-founder, Maeda, Ayres
Compliance Partner, Demarest Advogados
Partner, TozziniFreire Advogados
Partner, Azevedo Sette
Co-founder at KMN Advogados
Partner, TozziniFreire Advogados
Compliance Partner Campos Mello Advogados in cooperation with DLA Piper
Leading Partner of Investigation and Compliance at Tozzini Freire
Founder of Eticalizando
Managing Director & General Manager da Epiq
Partner and Leader of the Forensic Practice Brazil and South America at KPMG
Director of Compliance and ESG at Protiviti Brazil
Co-founder, Veritaz
Partner-Director, Missão Compliance
Founder T4 Compliance
Co-founder of RC Compliance
CEO Compliance Total
Director of Managed Services – Protiviti
Privacy Manager at PicPay
Head of Privacy and Data Protection at Suzano
Privacy Manager at Bradesco
DPO at Mercado Livre
Senior Manager of Digital Compliance at Ambev